How Rise New York & Partners and Floripa Square transformed OOH with 3D NFT art

Breaking The Fourth Wall

Fonte: The Drum. Rise New York and Partners and Floripa Square won at The Drum Awards for Out of Home 2022 in the Local Campaign and New Approach for its Breaking The Fourth Wall: Innovation in 3D OOH. Here, we find out more about what went into this groundbreaking work. 

Dancing between OOH and experiential, 3D digital mega screens took Asia by storm. And it wasn’t long before the technology’s reach expanded. So when Florpia Square found itself in Brazil with the largest 3D digital screen in Latin America, it knew it had to create a revolutionary activation. That’s when, with the help of Rise New York & Partners, Breaking the Fourth Wall, the world’s first 3D crypto art shoppable outdoor exhibition was born.

The briefTheir main objective was to create a debut activation of Brazil’s new 3D screen, worthy of media company Floripa Square’s $3 million-dollar investment. They wanted to shine a light on the new technology while at the same time tapping into something even bigger: the $11 billion-dollar crypto art market and the many local emerging artists in that space.

With eye-catching visuals, top-tier talent, and game-changing technology, they wanted to create an out-of-this-world exhibition that would get Brazilian marketers and publishers talking for time to come.

The idea: Breaking The Fourth Wall

So with their combined objectives and a goal to tap into something that hadn’t been done before, they created a 30-day PR-worthy event.

They asked 10 up-and-coming digital artists to create an original 3D animated art piece representing their style. They took advantage of 3D animation and NFTs to make sure the screen stood out and caught the eye of the busy people passing below.

With the help of Makersplace, one of the biggest NFT platforms in the world, they were also able to digitally host the art pieces, giving the local artists the opportunity to join their highly curated community. And making it seamless for digital artists and collectors to buy and sell through QR codes.

The activation targeted Brazilian media buyers, brand marketers, publishers, journalists, crypto enthusiasts, local and multinational enterprises, digital artists, and Brazil’s young and tech innovation ecosystem. People Rise New York & Partners and Floripa Square knew would not only understand the activation but appreciate and celebrate it.

Rise New York & Partners and Floripa Square OOH activation 3D NFT art
Breaking The Fourth Wall: How Rise New York & Partners and Floripa Square transformed OOH with 3D NFT art

The results

For 30 days, all ten art pieces were made visible live to an audience of approximately 600,000 people, and for the first time, the NFTs, exhibited on digital OOH, were available for purchase online with a credit card, not just cryptocurrency. Not only did they debut a new media type in Latin America but made crypto art available to the masses.

Covered by mainstream media outlets in Brazil, the event got traction internationally. They reached more than 600,000 people across 30 days of the event and over 326 bids took place, with eight art pieces selling in the first two weeks. All-in-all they harnessed a total of 13 million organic impacts through social media and PR.

This campaign was a winner at The Drum Awards for Out of Home 2022. You can see all the winners here. The Drum Awards for Marketing are currently open for entry. Find out how you can enter now.

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